Sunday, January 6, 2013

So why the title "food, brews & a little bit of grapes too?" There are a few things I love in life (besides the +UNC Tarheels) which include good food, good wine & good brews.  I joke (but not really) that even though I have endured 11+ years of college and 3 degrees including a PhD, that I'd like to do 2 things when I retire: 1) pour wine at a winery somewhere out west during the summer and fall and 2) be a Dean Dome usher during the winter & spring. I know what you're thinking - such an overachiever!

My love for beer started at a very young age (perhaps 4 or so) when my grandma would fill a tiny shot glass which happened to be shape like a barrel (see picture) with her Budweiser.  I'm not sure if I liked the taste or just the reaction she gave when I smiled after I drank it. I do believe tasting beer at such a young age is why I love to try a wide range of beers in many samplers when I visit microbreweries. My taste for beer broadened as I spent some time on the west coast in Phoenix & Seattle.

Living in Seattle was also the time my love for wine began.  In fact, one of the physical therapy clinics I worked in had their own wine frig! I was fortunate to visit both Napa & Sonoma Valleys as well as Walla Walla wine country during my time on the west coast.  I"d recommend anyone who enjoys wine to go visit Walla Walla over Napa & Sonoma  - it is such a hidden gem. The wineries are not too grand, the tasting fees are minimal and you often get a change to meet the vintners.  I'm learning more about international wine & have been fortunate to taste wine in the Hunter Valley of Australia & the Otago region of New Zealand. My travels have also allowed me to taste some regional delights in France, Italy, Greece, Germany & the Czech Republic.

I enjoy both cooking and eating out & I find myself addicted to cooking shows on the +Food Network and +Bravo. I always enjoy paging through my monthly +Cooking Light magazines and recreating the recipes inside. I don't believe in any type of fad diet - but rather moderation and exercise - I mean who can live without bread or sweets for more than a week - certainly not me.

I do hope you enjoy my culinary and liquid journey to come!

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